Non inflammatory musculoskeletal pain in a child

by Nachiket Kulkarni A child brings to our mind thoughts of cheerfullness, fun and spontaneity. Filled with overzealous energy these tiny tots are constantly active. As much may be their playfulness these angels are delicate too. Any discomfort can make a child restricted and gloomy. Musculoskeletal pain which has been reported to be common in […]


by Dr. Kiran Adam Generalised Soft Tissue Rheumatism (STR) or Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterised by increase pain perception experience by person out of proportion to the painful stimulus. This disease commonly seen in women 10 times more than men, approximate age group in females is from 26 to 60 yrs. People with certain Rheumatic diseases […]

Soft Tissue Rheumatism and Mind

by Dr. Anupama Sonees Soft tissue rheumatism (STR) primarily of two types of which fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) or generalised STR is one of the most common cause of chronic widespread pain. It is accompanied frequently with sleep disturbances and variety of non-specific complaints. Patient typically exhibit tenderness to palpation of specific points on the body. […]

Soft-Tissue Rheumatism in Arthritis

by Dr. Nachiket Kulkarni Soft tissue Rheumatism(STR) in many terms is still an unsolved riddled. It is not a single  entity but a conglomerate of different conditions involving parts of musculoskeletal system other than joints. Technically it can be divided as generalised or localised . Localised forms are generally associated with injury, overwork or rarely […]

Regional Pain Syndromes

by Dr. Vinaya Kunjir Regional musculoskeletal pain such as shoulder, knee, lateral elbow, heel or lateral hip pain is most common form of musculoskeletal complaint. Regional pain syndromes are conditions that involve pain arising from soft tissue due to some underlying structural pathology and diffuse pain syndromes. A soft tissue condition consists of disorders of […]

Fibromyalgia syndrome

by Dr. Vaijayanti Lagu-Joshi Rheumatism refers to pain, swelling, stiffness in and around joints, bones, muscles and soft tissues around them. So far, we have discussed a lot about inflammatory arthritis in past issues of MAI. I will be focusing on soft tissue rheumatism, fibromyalgia syndrome. It is not a new condition but known by […]

What are soft tissues

by Dr Naisar Nahar Soft tissues are the tissues that connect, support, or surround other structures and organs of the body, not being bone. It includes tendons, ligaments, fascia, fibrous tissues, fat (which are connective tissue) and muscles and blood vessels (which are not connective tissue). Soft tissue is a broad term that covers various […]

Biologic Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD)

by Dr Arvind Chopra A NEW ERA OF TARGET THERAPY Disclaimer : These are clinical practice guidelines and general information for patients. It is mandatory to consult rheumatologist prior to therapeutic use SUMMARY POINTS: DMARDs are special drugs that act on the immune system to reduce the signs and symptoms and bone damage and other […]